Section 3: Hours of Work and Payroll Practices
3.1 Pay Periods and Paydays
Employees are paid on a bi-monthly basis. All employees will be paid Every other Wednesday. All employees are paid by check or direct deposit on the above-mentioned payday. If the regular payday falls on a weekend or Company holiday, employees will be paid on the last business day before the holiday and/or weekend.
3.2 Overtime
Nonexempt employees will be paid in accordance with federal and Colorado state law.
In Colorado, for employees in retail service, commercial support service, food and beverage, or health and medical industries, the standard work week for employees should not exceed 40 hours per week or 12 hours per day. Should the Company find it necessary to employ an employee in excess of these standards, overtime hours shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay.
All overtime work by non-exempt employees must be authorized in advance by their manager. Only hours actually worked will be used to calculate overtime pay.
3.3 Rest and Meal Periods
All rest and meal periods will be in accordance with Colorado state law. To the extent Colorado state law does not require rest and meal breaks, non-exempt employees will be provided a 10-minute rest break for every four hour period of work. This time is counted and paid as time worked. Non-exempt employees scheduled to work more than a five hour period will be provided a 30- minute unpaid meal period.
3.4 Time Cards
Non-exempt employees are required to keep an accurate and complete record of their attendance and hours worked. Time cards are official business records and may not be altered without the employee's supervisor's approval and may not be falsified in any way.
3.5 Payroll Deductions
Various payroll deductions are made each payday to comply with federal and state laws pertaining to taxes and insurance. Deductions will be made for the following: Federal and State Income Tax Withholding, Social Security, Medicare, State Disability Insurance & Family Temporary Disability Insurance, and other items designated by you or required by law (including a valid court order). You can adjust your federal and state income tax withholding by completing the proper federal or state form and submitting it to Accounting or Human Resources. At the start of each calendar year, you will be supplied with your Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) form for the prior year. This statement summarizes your income and deductions for the year.
3.6 Wage Garnishment
A garnishment is a court order requiring an employer to remit part of an employee's wages to a third party to satisfy a just debt. Once the Company receives the legal papers ordering a garnishment, we are required by law to continue making deductions from your check until we have withheld the full amount or until we receive legal papers from the court to stop the garnishment. Even if you have already paid the debt, we still need the legal papers to stop the garnishment.
3.7 Direct Deposit
All employees are encouraged, but not required, to use direct deposit and have their paychecks deposited into a bank account of an accredited participating bank or credit union.